
Sunday, August 4, 2013

Welcome To Wonderland

I Fell Down The Rabbit Hole!

Hello and welcome to my blog! I am a twenty something who just recently graduated from college, moved out of her parent’s house and have started a new job. It’s my first “grown up” job. This whole experience has been a little scary. Okay it’s actually really scary. That is why I decided to start a blog: to hopefully help people who are also just starting out and share my adventures.

 I will likely talk about my experiences and possibly reminisce about college, high school, talk about what’s interesting to people my age and other somewhat random things. However, I choose not to talk about work nor rant about any personal, political, monetary, or religious issues. There has been so much news in the media lately about people losing their jobs over a stupid post or tweet that I would prefer not to get into any of that. If at any time I seem to be straying from my original path, just let me know and I’ll get right back on track.

I would love feedback. Though hopefully not the creepy kind of feedback, but this is the Internet. One of the other reasons I wanted to start a blog was to keep practicing my writing skills. If anyone notices that I have misspelled anything or there is a grammar mistake, let me know so I can fix it. I love being able to improve. Since I am new to all of this I’ll keep this first post short. I’m hoping to average around 1000 to 2000 words each post. Since this is just my introduction, I don’t think I will be putting too much in.
I chose the name of this blog to be Starting Out In Wonderland because I feel like I, much like Alice, have fallen through a rabbit hole. I had thought that college had prepared me for the real world, but it was really a fantasy land. College established my independence as an individual, but not as a person. The individual independence allowed me to start making choices without constantly asking my parents’ permission. Independence as a person is making those decisions, but not having the safety net there to keep me from falling flat on my face. In college most of my problems required a phone call or a talk with a professor to solve. Now I have to solve those problems on my own. Luckily I have a lot of friends and family who are still willing to give advice, but ultimately I still have to fix them myself. I feel out of my element now. Hopefully it will not last too long. 

Who’s ready to explore wonderland with me?


  1. This is awesome Alli! I like how you said you wanted to improve on your writing skills which is an excellent way to use a blog. I'll be looking forward to your next post miss.

  2. Welcome to the world ofblogging, Alli... beware... it is addictive. That said, have fun with it.


  3. ...and to answer your profile question, I, much like the Hatter, have no idea.
