
Sunday, March 17, 2024

Welcome to Pink on St. Patrick’s Day

 Happy Saint Patrick’s Day! 

It’s been a long few days weeks months. I’m right now watching the Disney Channel Original Movie “Luck of the Irish” - a movie that kickstarted my interest in my heritage (I am not Irish, like at all). 

Lots of people were out dressed in green to celebrate St. Patrick banishing the pagans snakes from Ireland. Though there were also plenty of people out in their finest pink today too in the DC area.

It’s a beautiful day in the DMV. So beautiful in fact, the cherry blossoms are at Stage 5 in their bloom cycle (the stage before peak bloom). This is fairly early for the blossoms, though it might be becoming the new norm for the blossoms to peak in March instead of the historic April.

Thanks climate change.

And speaking of climate change, DC will soon need to cut down over 100 of the famous trees along the tidal basin because the land the trees are on is slowly sinking back into the swamp. This includes the infamous stumpy (which I do not have a picture of, but here’s a Washington Post article), a tree made famous by a Reddit meme. 

Yeah that’s right, DC is sinking into a swamp (it was built on one) and the city hopes to prevent further erosion by building a sea wall. The tidal basin floods daily and parts of the original walkway are now always underwater. 

Unfortunately, fully grown trees are too hard to uproot and plant. So, the city has to cut them down. I’m sure grafts of the old trees will be used to plant new trees once the project is complete. There are plans for the National Arboretum to take some clippings of old Stumpy, so there might be hope that the Child of Stumpy eventually comes to live on the Tidal Basin after the sea wall is complete.

In the meantime, the Cherry Blossoms are blooming. The Martin Luthor King Jr. (MLK) memorial looks particularly stunning while framed by the pink trees. People come from all over to see the trees and partake in the festival (which starts next week).

If you’re in the area or already planning on visiting the city, the best way to see the trees is to either park near Jefferson and walk through FDR memorial, towards MLK or fight for a space near FDR. You also can’t go wrong taking the metro to either Arlington National Cemetery (walk over the bridge and make a right at Lincoln), Foggy Bottom (walk past Lincoln), or from Smithsonian (walk towards MLK, then follow along the Tidal Basin and loop back along the 14th street bridge). Personally, I think the best trees are around and near the FDR memorial, plus you get a great view of MLK, Jefferson, and Washington.

I know I’ve been a bit sporadic with my blog posts. My personal life has been a bit of a mess and I recently learned some more tragic news this week. Thank you for still reading and checking up on me. I’ll try to restart my webcomic and food blog soon, I just have a few more things to do first before things settle down again.

Until next time.

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