
Sunday, May 2, 2021

Welcome to My Imagined Dream House

 Supposedly, my generation is finally able to buy houses. I can confidently say that I am not one of those people. I am years (if not an entire decade or more) from homeownership. The housing market in my area is not in my favor, renting is still a better option for if I need to move in a hurry, and I’m still not convinced that I am mature enough to take care of a house.

That being said, I still daydream about my perfect home. 

Naturally, this being me dreaming, this house doesn’t have to be in the moment. My ideal house will have several key items (either right off the bat or as a future renovation project), be affordable, and HOA free (for those of you who don’t know what evil has been wrought by the existence of Home Owners’ Associations, you are very lucky).

First and foremost, my ideal home must have enough space for a veggie, herb, and flower garden. My current little apartment balcony is nice, but it’s tiny and facing the wrong direction (for best growing I need a south facing balcony - I have a northeast facing one). I want a huge garden. One that I can cultivate enough veggies for me to not have to worry in the summers and can donate the extras to my local food pantry. I’d probably need a pretty large fence around it to keep out deer (and neighbors who don’t know who to ask for anything).

If there’s enough room, I’d like to include a sunflower maze with a spot for tea at its center. And a weeping willow tree to have picnics under.

Aside from the garden, I must have a library space. I’ll be content with it being connected to a study, but I must have a room lined with bookshelves. I’d love it to be two stories high with a reading nook balcony, but if that’s not possible, at least a window seat with comfy cushions and a built in ladder to reach the top shelves.

My extensive doll collection might be housed in this library or my bedroom. Depends on if I have a sig fig or not. Dolls can intimidate people and I’m prone to moving mine around to mess with people I don’t like. If my sig fig can’t handle dolls, in the library they will live to guard to books.

There must also be a wood burning fireplace to keep me toasty on a cool night. There can also be a fire pit outside, but a beautiful brick fireplace with a squashy armchair and footstool. A hot water maker would be on hand to make tea and hot chocolate.

Additionally, my perfect home with have a secret passage...or two...maybe three.

My grandfather’s house had a secret passage in it. Well, it had what the grandchildren referred to as a secret passage (it was really a back staircase that lead from the back of the house to the kitchen). There was a crawl space passage that lead from grandfather’s basement to the next door neighbor’s house, but I never went in it.

The type of secret passage I want doesn’t have to be fancy. I’d prefer something hidden behind a bookcase or sliding wall that opens up to a staircase. I think it would be cool if this staircase was lined with more books (maybe my diaries from school or writing journals could be hidden there for a laugh...and my embarrassment). Where this staircase leads doesn’t fully matter as long as the entrance is also hidden. Though I do have one feature I think would be fun for it to go to...

A tower. I’d really like a tower.

Not the kind that holds forgotten royalty in. I want a tower that is my creative space and lets me see the night sky. I’m not super picky (right now) on the view. I might enjoy seeing a glittering city or having the starry heavens open above my head. I just want a tower with windows on all sides with curtains that flow and a swinging bed. Maybe even a patio on top of the tower.

Finally, I must have a big bathtub with plenty of room for bubble baths. There should also be a free standing shower that is not attached to the bathtub. Actually, let’s have an outdoor shower too. I love having those at the beach. I know they’re for making sure you rinse off all the sand, but I think it would be nice to have one after working in the garden all day.

So that’s it. That’s my dream house.

I know it probably doesn’t exist outside my imagination, but I can dream and try to save up enough money to turn it into reality. Or I’ll write a book featuring it.

Until next week.

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