
Sunday, February 5, 2017

Welcome to Discord

Discord is one of my favorite reformed villains. He's sort of a mismatch of many different magical creatures (the "My Little Pony Friendship is Magic" wiki says his species is a draconequus) and is the spirit of chaos and disharmony. It takes him some serious soul searching (and becoming friends with Fluttershy) for him to realize that he sort of likes being good.

More episodes of My Little Pony on Netflix! I must binge watch!

Now, being good doesn't stop Discord from causing some chaos. In later episodes, he mostly does it out of boredom or when he wants to get Fluttershy's attention, but doesn't know any constructive ways to do so. It also makes him one of the most entertaining parts of the series (and probably the number 2 reason my adult self watches "Friendship is Magic").

As entertaining as Discord is, he is also very destructive. He has nearly ended their world on a few occasions. When he became "good", he was still causing trouble for main cast. Which makes sense, since one of the definitions of his name is a "disagreement between people" (or in this case ponies). Part of me is glad he doesn't exist in our world.

Then again, with what I've been observing lately, Discord might have actually jumped out of small screen and into real life. Social media might just might be the greatest playground for Discord to hide in.

Since the start of social media, people now have a way to express their opinions like never before. They can share as many cat videos as they want. People can connect with friends old and new. Dating has been revolutionized to where you just need to swipe to accept or reject someone. Trolls are no longer limited to living under bridges and terrorizing innocent billy goats.

Discord would, of course, be an Internet troll.

I can just see Discord having a ball in the comment section of YouTube, typing some kind of inflammatory statement that causes a huge fight that has nothing whatsoever to do with the video playing. He'd probably use the Twitter egg as his profile picture for everyone of his accounts (oh yes, Discord would have at least 10 for each platform he uses). He'd send celebrities annoying tweets telling them how much they suck with extremely poor spelling and share thousands of memes on Facebook that contradict each other.

With each obnoxious post, Discord would draw tens, maybe hundreds of comments telling him off. It wouldn't matter if the people are right or wrong because Discord doesn't care. He just wants attention and power. The people he's trolling are giving him everything he wants, but there is one side effect that he doesn't expect.

You see Discord might be really good at starting arguments and causing all sorts of chaos, but he's also really good at uniting the heroes (A.K.A. the Mane Six) to save the day. Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy are able to stand together and put an end to Discord's antics. The Discords and trolls of the Internet are doing just that. For every nasty thing they post online, they are attracting people who are standing up and united against them.

Uniting people can be difficult, but when common ground is found people will stand together to fight for what is right. Discord and his minions can be defeated. It takes time, effort, and lots of love.

Yeah, I probably should mention why Discord became a "good guy". Discord had never had a friend. When Fluttershy gets upset with him and says how she thinks of him as a friend, Discord begins to feel bad about hurting her. Friendship and love defeated Discord.

It's not quite that simple in the real world, but messages of hope, love, and friendship take power away from the Discords of our world. It's one of the reasons we were able to witness of the largest peaceful protests ever.

I have realized that"My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" somehow applies to my actual life, despite me not being the demographic it is trying to appeal to.

If you enjoyed this post (or it really pissed you off) please like, share, and/or leave a comment. I love hearing from my readers and I hope you guys like hearing from me. Until next week.

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