
Sunday, October 2, 2016

Welcome to Iceland

I decided I needed to go on an adventure. Six months ago, I made the impulsive choice to buy round trip tickets to Iceland. I had never been to Iceland, I had very little knowledge of Iceland, and I was planning on going there solo. I figured the worst thing that could happen was I get kidnapped by trolls.

On Tuesday I returned from that trip.

I can honestly say that I have never been anywhere quite like Iceland. The people are very friendly, laid back, and have one of the best senses of humor I've seen. I felt incredibly safe walking around the city of Reykjavik. One tour guide even told us that if you lost something at a bar the night before, to check the lost and found at the police station the next day. Someone had likely returned it there.

Hey look he's got a pineapple on his sword. Ha Ha

 The Icelanders I met are very proud of their Viking heritage (though one tour guide did admit that they are not the best at being the notoriously bad Vikings). Everywhere I went, I saw images of the Viking culture. The Viking Sagas were sold in stores and gift shops sold small Viking ships.

The city of Reykjavik is amazing. I've never felt so safe in a city and nearly a third of Iceland's population lives in the city. It is easy to walk around. There are also buses, but I rarely saw anyone on them (even during rush hour). I was able to go anywhere I wanted to in about 20 minutes. Cats also seem to rule the city. I spotted many while walking around. There was one in particular who liked to sleep on the shelves of one of the stores during the day. I asked the people working at the counter about the cat and they said he just likes to hang out there during the day and goes home at night.

How to tie a tie three different ways.

Iceland is a beautiful county. There are plenty of places to hike and natural wonders to see. On my last full day, I went on a Golden Circle Tour. The Golden Circle are beautiful geographical locations. Our first stop was a giant crater. The second stop was a field of several geyser. I only saw one of them go off, but it was amazing. People who were standing downwind were splashed with water.

Our third stop were these amazing waterfalls. I'll be honest I wouldn't want to go over them in a wooden barrel. Finally we went to where the North American and European continental plates are separating (and where the Vikings used to gather to make laws).

If there is one thing I really missed from Iceland it would be the water. I went to the Blue Lagoon on my first day and it was very relaxing. My skin felt amazing afterwards. There are more thermal pools (that are a lot cheaper and less touristy) around the city. I'd definitely recommend checking them out if any of you guys go. The drinking water was also so tasty. It came straight from the glacier. Nearly every restaurant had some water for free for customers.

I am happy I went to Iceland. I might have been a bit more of a tourist than I typically like to be, but I don't know if I would have done all the things I did if I hadn't. I honestly hope I can go back again soon.

If you guys have any questions, just let me know and I'll try to answer them as best I can. Don't worry if you wanted to hear more about my trip or solo travel in general. I think this month will be centered around this adventure.

If you enjoyed this post (or it really pissed you off) please like, share, and/or leave a comment. I love hearing from my readers and I hope you guys like hearing from me. Until next week!

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