
Sunday, February 21, 2016

Welcome to Roommates

My first roommate was my sibling, We shared a room until I was 12, which is when my pestering finally resulted in getting my own room. The next time I had a roommate was in college. My first college roommate and I got a long fine, but we weren't close. My second college roommate somehow didn't kill me over the next three years.

For two years I lived on my own in Maryland. Then everything changed when I discovered that I was moving to New Jersey. Now I could have probably found a place really far away from my work, but choices were limited and having a roommate would hopefully garentee an instant friend.

How did I find my roommate if I didn't know anyone where I was moving? Craigslist.

No seriously, I found them on Craigslist. You might be asking me if I am crazy. Or if I was worried about who this person might be. Well a lot of people did ask me those questions.

What I did was meet with my future roommate first. That way we could get to know each other and make sure we would be compatible. I actually interviewed with a few potential roommates. I had a list of questions and I made sure to bring someone with me (my mom and aunt) who could also share their oppinion.

I am positive that I found the right roommate. We get along well and we go out every so often. Yesterday was my roommate's birthday. We went to the city with a large group for karaoke. We sang our voices raw.

I won't lie that there wasn't an adjustment period. Going from living on my own to sharing a living space was weird. For the first month I felt like I was a visitor invading my new roommate's home.

There are a few things I do to make sure that there is harmony in my home:

1) Communication - leaving passive aggressive notes is not something I ever recommend. Talking to my roommate solves more problems than creates them.

2) Be Understanding - sometimes someone leaves dirty dishes in the sink. As long as they are cleaned by the end of the day, there's no reason for either of us to loose our cool. If it starts to be a problem see harmony note number 1.

3) Be Flexible - sometimes we both need the bathroom at the same time. It's perfectly cool to adjust a schedule as long as everyone makes it to work on time. Again communication is key.

4) Keep the common area clean - I admit at I am a messy person. My roommate is not a messy person. To maintain harmony, I make sure that the common areas stay clear of my things and to contain the mess to my room.

5) Do stuff together - movie nights, ordering take out, and yes Karaoke are all great ways that we hang out. Its not all the time. I invite my roommate places and they invite me places. Sometimes we can go and sometimes we can't.

The down side of this list is that this is only stuff I can do. I have yet to have a really bad experience with a roommate, but I know people who have. This list probably won't work if the roommate isn't able to meet you half way. And yes, becoming the roommate of someone you just met (heck even a close friend) can be a gamble. I have been very lucky and I hope everyone else looking for post-graduation roommates is lucky too.

Until next week.

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