
Sunday, May 31, 2015

Welcome To The Social Life

I'm gonna party all night long...

This weekend was crazy. It was nice to take it easy today and do some cooking and cleaning. I even set up my GameCube and started Luigi's Mansion. How can a Mario game be so scary while being so ridiculous? 

I started the weekend by going to a party on Friday. My roommate invited me along to their old roommate's graduation party. I said sure, I'd love to meet some new friends. The party was at a family's house. Of course the first thing I am asked is if I'm 21. I'm not 21. I'm a few years passed 21. I don't think I'll ever stop looking like I'm teenager.

The party ended around midnight. Where did we go next? A bar of course.

Now I'm normally not the most social person you will meet (I'm an introvert, I like my quiet time). I stayed out til almost 3am. It's been a while since I did that (I think Las Vegas, but definitely college). It was fantastic.

Yesterday evening I went out to a bar to watch the first part of the hockey game (how the hell did the Blackhawks score 3 minutes into the $&@% game?!?!). I was on my own and the bar is less than a 15 minute walk. I stayed about an hour and a half just talking with random people and watching the game. I left after the Blackhawks ($&@% them) scored 2 minutes into the second period. There was no way the Ducks were going to recover after that beating.

Now contrary to what has been said about introverts, I am not shy. I like meeting new people. It just needs to be on my terms. I might hold back at first, get to know the environment and then strike up a conversation with the person closest to me.

"Where everyone knows your name."

While at the bar I met several couples. One man called me a "browd". That's a new one. Honestly I didn't actually believe the accent here would be that pronounced. Like many other things, I was wrong. I also got a lot of "where are you from" questions, as my "accent" becomes easier to hear when I'm tired/more relaxed/have been drinking. No one here says y'all, that's weird.

If you're new and town and want to go out, go out. How else will you meet anyone? If you don't like bars, try hanging out in coffee shops, see if there's a farmers market or go to the library. Meeting people online is also an option as there are a lot of groups who post events online. 

You never know who you'll meet until you strike up a conversation.

Until next week.

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