
Monday, November 17, 2014

Welcome To Crystal Balls

The future is always cloudy...

I am aware of the fact that today is Monday, not Sunday. I completely forgot yesterday was Sunday yesterday. If I had realized I was going to forget it was Sunday, I would have written this on Saturday and timed it to go out today. One of the many whoes of not being psychic. 

It would make life easier if I could see into the future (or at least the bad stuff that could/might/is likely to happen) that way I could be prepared. I like being prepared, it makes me feel more secure and in control in a time I couldn't possible feel less secure or in control. Its like the universe wants me to loose my mind or something. 

Oh I can make plans and then completely forget the plans. That's when I make it up as I go.

Or I make plans and something else happens to change those plans. That's when I curse out any plan making I had done and swear to never make any plans again. 

Then there are the days that I don't have plans and a floating ball of annoying light tells me to go somewhere, I get completely lost on my way there, countinuously fall into a river until I realize I need a chicken to help me fly over the river, accidently hit the chicken with my sword and finally death by angry chicken (this last one might be from Zelda: Ocarina of Time).

True the chickens aren't called chickens in Zelda, but they look like chickens, they act like chickens, therefore they are chickens. Really annoying chickens.

Of course, if I did know what the future had in store all of life's little wonders would be spoiled. As much as I want to know everything will eventually be alright, I don't want any spoilers. Yeah this coming from someone who loves to know how everything ends before it even begins. Fine I admit that I'm incredibly impatient and have a burning desire for "Happily Ever After", but my gut tells me things will be okay. The little details are still a mystery.

I will plan to post next week, but no promises. They are way too easy to break.

If you enjoyed this post, or it really pissed you off, please like, share or comment. I enjoy hearing from my readers. Until next week.

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