
Sunday, April 27, 2014

Welcome To Keeping Track

I have discovered that it becomes difficult to keep track of all the things that need to get done in a day, week, month and year. Ovcasionally it's not so much that I forget, but just didn't read the fine print, lost the due by date, or just procrastinated on purpose because I just didn't want to do it (this one usually leads to me forgetting to do whatever it is I put off). So here are a few things that I have started doing (or should be doing but haven't started yet - if ever).

1) Make a list of everything that needs to be done and keep it in a location that you will always notice. I usually have one hanging above my computer at the office.

2) Set an alarm. This one is usually good for the reoccurring weekly and monthly items on your list. Be careful it's still just as easy to hit the snooze button.

3) Have all bills in one location. This way you won't forget to pay one.

4) Ask someone to help you remember. I typically reserve this one for despritely times, however it is also flawed. If it's not at the forefront of their mind, it still might not get done.

Bonus: 5) Tie a string around your figure. This ridiculous old school method does indeed work, because you are usually constantly aware that you have a stupid looking string tied around your fungure.

Just remember that everyone is forgetful, after all we are only human. Most things we forget are easily corrected. When you can't fix a mistake, you move on and continue focusing on the future.

If you enjoyed this post or it really pissed you off, please comment or share it with friends, family or your worst enemy. I love hearing from my readers and I certainly apriciate the fact you guys seem to think I'm interesting enough to read. Thank you!

Until next week.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Welcome To Emails

You need to know how todo this properly!

I turn 23 soon. I don't feel any different. I did find a song to be my theme this year. "What's my age again" by Blink 182. Trust it works.

One of the most stressful parts of my job is one I do all the time, it's writing emails. People, especially young tech savvy people, might not realize how important it is to write a proper email. It is very difficult to convey tone through an email and it can be very easy to offend someone when you don't mean to. My boss tries to help me whenever he can to improve this skill because believe it or not it's not a skill learned in school.

Some tips for writing emails:

1) Don't use text speak. You should make sure everything is spelled and grammatically correct.

2) Check to make sure you are sending it to the right person or persons. I've already sent several emails to the wrong people. It is highly embarrassing and can get you into real deep trouble.

3) Never put anything negative in an email. My boss is constantly telling me this one and he is absolutely correct. If it's in writing and in cyberspace anyone might spot it and report it. That is my warning. Don't do it!

4) tone is difficult to convey - except when you type in caps. When someone types in caps it makes the reader think the writer is shorting at them. Ergo don't write in caps unless you want to piss someone off.

5) Reread the email before sending it. Make sure the email is clear and the person receiving it will understand what you are talking about. Otherwise this might cause more problems than solve.

If you enjoyed this post (or it really pissed you off) please comment or share it with friends, family or your worst enemy. Though I will not tolerate cyberbullying. I'd also like to thank all my readers for the 1000 hits on my blog. Thank you all.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Welcome To The Laws Of The Jungle

The Odds Are Not In Your Favor...

This week was an emotional roller coaster for me. My cable company decided they were giving me too many channels for the price I was paying and took away about two thirds of them. I will miss TNT, TBS, Travel Channel, BBC America, and ABC Family, but it seems the cable company in question has me in a chock hold over how much the internet is worth. 

Now before I start getting an earful about what an entitled little millennial I am, I would like to point out that I am a) just starting out on a tight budget, b) my cable bill is almost always higher than my utilities bill combined (not counting January, February and March of this year with all the freezing weather), and finally c) the internet is required for me to do my job if I ever have to work from home. Believe it or not, sometimes I have to work from because of personal issues, complications with the internet at work (yeah this happened too), or I climate weather. Now I could go to the public library or coffee shop for internet service when I have to work from home, except when snow hits everything closes and I am still expected to work. Here lies my problem. 

Now there are a lot of self help website out there explaining how to "get the most out of your cable company", these morsels of advice only work if there is competition in your area. Since my apartment management apparently has an exclusive contract with one cable company, I have no means of competition to work with. I am stuck in a localized monopoly that seems top league the majority of the nation. Is this fair? No, but this is the way of life. 

I guess I was lulled into the fallacy that I live in a "free market capitalist society" where competition keeps prices low and consumers have choices. I guess I was wrong. There are very few things I can do to change these circumstances, though I am looking at my options carefully (writing the local politicians and national senators seems like a good yet useless endeavor). 

I think what I am most displeased with is my lack of choices. I like having many options that I can choose from and still keep a level of security. If life has taught me anything since leaving college, it's that the world is an expensive place to live in and that it's just not fair. People and companies lie (no a corporation  is not a person no matter how many loop holes they have to make it appear otherwise). I also have learned that I like having choices and get very cranky when these choices are taken away from me. 

If you enjoyed this post (or it really pissed you off) please leave a comment or share it with your friends, family or worst enemy. I kindly ask that you do not leave mean and spiteful messages as this will be seen as cyberbullying and I will be blocking, reporting and committing your name to memory (I will leave you to your imagination with that).

I would also like to take this moment to thank my readers. I am almost to 1000 hits on my blog in less than a year. I feel amazed and am grateful to all my loyal readers. Perhaps without all those channels I will finally buckle down and write those novels. 

Until next week.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Welcome To Weddings

Before I begin tonight's post, I would like to take a second to let everyone know that I received a very nasty message on Facebook today about my blog. Now this message did somewhat hurt, however, this troll actually took the time to read my blog before messaging me. This tells me that a)this person who trolled me has no real life and b) I must be doing something right if someone out there took the time to try to Cyberbully me. So I am going to keep writing and if anyone else decides for whatever reason to send nasty messages they shall be reported, blocked and ignored. I find trolls dull. They need more hugs in their lives. So moral of this cyberbullying is bad.

Anyway, on to the subject of weddings.

I have a friend from college and a coworker who are both getting married this summer. This is both wonderful and terrifying. It's wonderful to see how happy my friends are, but it's terrifying to think that this is the stage that my life is at. I've been to weddings in the past, but this is the first that it is a college friend getting married. I feel much older because of that fact.

Wedding educate is also a lot different now that I'm older. Before I didn't have to worry about the gifts or how to act and dress. My mom just told me what to do and I did it. I was always on my best behavior. It just feels different than from when I was a little kid.

I admit to fantasizing about getting married and living my life with my significant other. However I also admit that I personally have no idea what I want in life. I am currently content to keep seeing what happens right now. I have always lived by planning my next step. Right now i like not knowing the future.

I will just have to make double sure I remember the wedding present this time. I left part of the wedding shower gift behind. Oops.

If you enjoyed this post (or it really pissed you off) share it with friends, family or your worst enemies. I love hearing from my readers, though less so the trolls and cyberbullies (that is why to be famous you need such a thick skin). Please let me know your thoughts or if there are any grammar or spelling mistakes.